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Buckley Comprehensive Plan Community Feedback: First Draft

Please respond to the prompts in the PDF below to help us refine the Comprehensive Plan that will help determine what Buckley becomes over the next 20 years.

We are in the process of rolling out a full draft of the 2044 Comprehensive Plan Update. During this rollout, we are hoping to solicit community feedback to ensure that we can efficiently address community desires. The plan is divided into two sections - the first, Volume I, is a succinct document covering some background for each plan element, the planning process and containing all of the goals and policies for each element. The second, Volume II, includes background research and analysis that informs the Plan (think of it as a detailed appendix). The PDF below is not a complete draft, changes will be added as more of the plan is ready for public feedback.

The map below is a reference map which includes many of the layers that we are using to determine future land use decisions. Map layers include a draft of the Future Land Use Map updated 5/7/2024, wetland impacted areas, existing zoning, vacant and redevelopable land, and existing land uses. Turn on and off layers in the upper right corner and view the map legend in the upper left corner.

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Development agreement language. Development pays for itself unless it substantially forwards the mission and vision of the city.
Vision 2050
Mel Garland: enhance including functioning wetlands. Restore historic farmland wetlands (wordsmith) 5.1: Encourage developers to use low impact... 5.3: What is meant by periodically? Annual mpdes permit, review as required and periodically update dev regs.