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Airway Heights Land Use Alternatives

We need your input on the future of Airway Heights!

Land use alternatives for the 2023 City of Airway Heights Comprehensive Plan update.

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found it
what is this area - it is not in the legend
You should seriously consider a mixed use zone that would allow integration of uses at a finer scale. Spokane County has a very good mixed use zone. Liberty Lake has mixed use zones that limit residential uses to 50% of the buildout area. The mixed use zone would allow a very wide range of uses and densities.
If these are net densities then the permitted densities are far to low. Low Density should be 10du/acre. This would still result in average 4500sf lots. Even in a low density zone you should allow townhomes. Medium density should be the 10-20 du/acres. This would accommodate townhomes and two story multifamily. High density should go to 40du/ acres which would accommodate 3 story garden style units as well as 4 story over podium garage.
Will residents of areas I & J share any identity with Airway Heights? This seems predisposed as a physically isolated and auto oriented mini-suburban development lacking civic or emotional connection to Airway Heights.
Up-zoning this core area is a spectacular idea! If existing low-density uses can be redeveloped then this creates a heart to Airway Heights by concentrating residents along with the civic campus, schools and parks.
I don't understand this cross-hatch area. Is it multi-use? If so, are all uses (except industrial) allowed here? If so, are multi-story buildings allowed where high-density apartments (mixed use and/or residential-only) could locate? High density uses with emphasis on residential is appealing here provided that it doesn't lead to apartments being isolated on the south side of the highway which segregates these uses from civic services/activities north of the highway.
How can you assume we would let you put a road right through the middle of our asphalt plant?
To me it does not make sense to continue to operate when surrounded by urban development. The noise created alone I would suggest will drive off home buyers near it . This would then allow for peaceful home sites on the ORV site and zero noise complaints creating win/win